The most complete picture of human biology lies in the breath.

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PNOĒ analyzes your metabolism, VO2 Max, and biological age to prescribe nutrition and lifestyle personalized to your biology and treatment plan based on your goals.


The PNOĒ Metabolic Breath Analysis & VO2 Max testing measures several key physiological parameters to assess aerobic fitness and metabolism:

VO2 Max: This is the primary measurement and refers to the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise. It’s a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. Aerobic and Anaerobic Thresholds: The test identifies your aerobic threshold (the point where your body switches from burning mostly fat to carbohydrates) and anaerobic threshold (the point where lactate starts to accumulate in the blood).

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): It measures the amount of calories your body burns at rest, which is vital for understanding your overall metabolism. Fat and Carbohydrate Utilization: The test determines the ratio of fats to carbohydrates your body burns during different exercise intensities, which can inform dietary and training strategies.

Breathing Patterns and Efficiency: It assesses your breathing efficiency and patterns, which can influence athletic performance and overall respiratory health.

Heart Rate Zones: The test helps establish heart rate zones for different training intensities, tailored to your personal fitness level.

By measuring these factors, PNOĒ Metabolic Breath Analysis & VO2 Max testing provides comprehensive insights into your physical fitness, metabolic health, and helps in creating personalized training and nutrition plans.

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PNOĒ’s AI supported by a network of certified metabolic experts turns the analysis of personalized regimens into a one-click process.

Biological Age and Longevity Report

Sample Reports

Metabolic Blueprint and Nutrition Report

Sample Reports


Body Composition + Nutrition Plan

The Styku scan provides an accurate and in-depth body composition analysis of your fat mass and lean mass, a great addition to the Resting Metabolic Test for those focused on optimizing weight and workouts. Personalized Nutrition Plan Included

Package: Styku* + RMR+Nutrition Plan $325

Fitness + Weight Management

The Resting Metabolic Test (RMR) test measures how many calories your body needs at rest, a great addition to the VO2 Max test for those focused on optimizing their calories and their workouts. This includes a follow-up consultation with one of our professionals to determine the best path to reach your goals.

Package: RMR + VO2 Max+ Consultation $450

The Full PNOE Experience

The combination of the Styku, RMR, and VO2 Max, and custom Nutrition Plan is ideal for those looking to make changes to their body composition while monitoring caloric intake and improving aerobic capacity and performance. This includes a follow-up consultation with one of our professionals to determine the best path to reach your goals.

Package: Styku+ RMR+ V02 Max+ Nutrition Plan+ Consultation $535